Saturday, October 27, 2012


We grew Crystals in our Earth Science class and learned about different Minerals. First we get a beaker and we put hot water until the water get to 100 ml. Then we started to pour the Minerals in order to grow Crystals. We Stir the minerals until the mineral Saturated. After this we put the mineral near the window so it will get sunshine and wind because it need Cool Evaporation for Solidification. Then we wait for few days to get our crystals. We grew three types of crystals which are: Halite, Sucrose, and Epsomite.

Mineral Properties

LUSTER:  Metallic and Non-Metallic

            METALLIC                                 NON-METALLIC

 COLOR: color of minerals

     Different color rocks

Streak: Powder of the minerals


Hardness: How much hard is the mineral:


Cleavage: When the mineral breaks evenly.

Fracture: When the mineral breaks unevenly.

Composition: Chemical of the minerals.

Other Properties: Any other thing define the mineral.


Mineral Identification


Color: Colorless or variable
Characteristics: Bubbles with Acid, rhombohedral cleavage. 
Use(s): Cement, Lime
Composition: CaCO3 



Color: Brassy Yellow
Characteristics: Green,Black streak,(fool's Gold) 
Use(s): Ore of Sulfur 
Composition: FeS2


Colors: Metallic Silver or Earthly Red
Characteristics: Red-Brown Streak
Use(s) Ore of Iron Jewelry
Composition: Fe2O3
Metallic or Non-Metallic 

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