Thursday, March 21, 2013


1) What did you enjoy most about this project and why?

  • The most enjoyable task for me was to record my rap about the Earthquake. It was really fun for me because it was my first time and I learned it's not a easy work but it's fun also! 
2) What was most challenging for you during the project and why?

  • The most challenging work for me was to finish recording my rap and edit it. It was a bad experience and very hard because it was ironic. I was expecting something else but what happened was the opposite of that. 
3) What new skills did you learn from the doing this project? 
  • I learned about the convection current lab. I know how to do that and I also develop some skills of imovie by recording my rap. 
4) Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work? Explain. 
  • I would improve my rap and make it very better. Right now we record the song in three different place so the voice is going up and down. I would also take help from my friend to help me record my rap and edit it a little. 
5) What would you change about this project? 
  • I would change my presentation and make it more creative. Also the time because if we have more time we can make someone understand more easily. 




Critical Thinking Question

Theory of plate tectonics is a scientific theory that shows the movement of the earth's lithosphere. In other words is that our solid land is moving very slowly that makes almost impossible to notice. This theory is agreeable because every year our land (lithosphere) is moving about three inches and we have lots of evidence. The three biggest evidence are: Continental Drift, Convection Current, and Plate Boundaries.  Continental Drift was predicted by the Alfred Lothar Wegener  a German researcher. He believed that the plate of the earth moves every year.  We know this because 300 million years ago our land was all together and created a big solid layer called "Pangaea." By the time Pangaea broke into seven continents. All seven continents were attach, than close to each other and now getting apart. This is true because of the fossil. We can find lots of same fossil in a different part of the land. Second evidence is Plate Boundary. Convergent, Divergent, and Transform. When our plates moves sometimes it comes together (Convergent) Sometimes goes apart (Divergent) and even slid pass each other (Transform). These process creates diverse things. Sometimes it cause natural disaster and some times make new things. For example Transform creates Earthquakes so when we have an Earthquake our plates are moving. Two continental plates converge and creates mountains. When plate diverge it cause Volcanic Ridge. Mid-Oceanic Ridge, Rift Valley, Volcanoes, Trenches, Tsunami, etc cause by these three Plate Boundaries. Our best evidence is the Convection Current. Earth has four layers known as Crust, Mantle, Outer and Inner Core. Crust and Inner Core are solid while the Mantle and Outer Core are liquid. Crust is a part of Lithosphere so when lithosphere move crust moves because lithosphere is under the crust layer. Outer core produces heat and steam which cause Mantle to move. As we know both of Mantle and Outer Core made of liquid. Mantle is under the crust so the movement of Mantle affect crust to move. Which also cause Earthquake and we know that our land is moving. Overall we all know now that plate tectonics is real and it happens every year but very slow. Our evidence shows us that Theory Of Plate Tectonics is real and Alfred Lother Wegener was correct about the plate tectonics. I am for Alfred Wegener and supports him with his prediction which has been proved as true story and we know this because of the evidence.